Wake County Justice Center Opens Today

Wake County Justice Center

Today, the Wake County Justice Center officially opens. If you’re nearby, you can catch the ribbon cutting at 11am and parts of the building are open for public viewing following it. This building will greatly compliment the Wake County Courthouse, helping to offload a lot of activity that takes place there. They say the building was planned for growth, with an entire unfinished floor in case it’s needed for more services down the road.

I like to do this with projects when I can. Here’s a photo of the same Martin/McDowell Street corner, shown in the photo above, but in February 2008.

Corner of Martin and McDowell Streets

Pop-Up Ice Cream Parlour Sets Up Shop Through August 31

Pop-Up Ice Cream Parlour

A new ice cream shop with the simple name of Pop-Up Ice Cream Parlour is now open on the 100 block of South Wilmington Street. The owners only have a lease through August so make sure and enjoy it on a hot day this summer. Opening hours are:

  • Sun-Thu – 12-10pm
  • Fri/Sat – 12-11pm

I read that the owners want to see how the concept works before possibly opening up a permanent location.

Union Station June 2013 Public Workshop, Preliminary Renderings Shown

Raleigh Union Station rendering June 2013

Email readers: This blog post has image galleries. Read the post on the blog to see all the images.

Last night at the Contemporary Art Museum, the good folks at Clearscapes presented the next round of updates to the Raleigh Union Station design. In addition to reviewing the ongoing comments and showing the most up-to-date floorplans, the crew had some very preliminary renderings of what Raleigh’s next train station could look like.

There’s still over a year of design work to do, we’re six months into an almost 20 month process, so keep that in mind as you review these shots from the public lecture. The team is certainly doing their homework. They’ve looked at how other cities have reused warehouses and are trying to keep that railroad heritage ingrained into the new design.

One thing we can’t get around is the strong support for parking. Let me reiterate that while the current designs show an inadequate amount of parking, everyone on the design and planning team are aware of this and there is plenty of time to address that issue. The city is starting a comprehensive parking study of the entire Raleigh warehouse district and out of this a solution will most likely come to address Union Station.

Below is a gallery of renderings, photos taken while at the lecture on June 26, for you to see what ideas are on the table. Click to see larger versions.

Raleigh Union Station rendering June 2013

Field Research, Riding Around on the San Antonio B-cycle

San Antonio B Cycle Hub

Last week, I was in San Antonio for a few days and had an opportunity to check out the city for the first time. As well as seeing the town, strolling on the much talked about Riverwalk, and eating breakfast tacos I made a point to try out B-cycle, the bike share service with programs in multiple cities around the country. With over 40 stations in and out of downtown, I was determined to plan some sightseeing while on two wheels.

For some background, I recommend you watch the Raleigh Urban Design Center’s education forum about bike share in other cities which includes the B-cycle service.

I was staying near the convention center and did not rent a car for my trip. Using cabs to get everywhere would have cost me much more than I was willing to spend. Plus, the bus and trolley network had pretty good coverage and frequency to get around. Renting a bike however seemed like a great way to move at my own pace and stop when I wanted too.

San Antonio had temperatures in the mid-90s on the particular weekday that I tried out B-cycle and very little cloud cover. Still determined to try it, I got started in the morning and avoided the much hotter afternoon.

Getting Started

I walked from my hotel to the B-cycle hub located at the corner of Alamo Street and Cesar Chavez Boulevard. This little building seemed like the heart of the bike share program and anyone could go there for information, bike gear rental and sales, etc. Unfortunately, I arrived before they opened (9am-5pm on weekdays) and couldn’t go inside.

I needed to open an account with B-cycle before getting a bike so I sat outside and filled out the form on my smartphone. It wasn’t mobile friendly but a customer service rep that I later emailed with said they are working on that.

Here were my membership options:

  • 24-hour – $10
  • 7-days – $24
  • Annual – $60

One day seemed perfect for my situation so I selected the $10 option and gave up the credit card info. I learned that the account is activated, and the clock starts, when the first bike is rented, not when you sign up. This is good to know so that you can get this part of the process out of the way ahead of time.

Renting a bike

Now that my account was set up, renting a bicycle was easy. Each station has a solar-powered touchscreen that guides you through the process. It’s about five taps and a credit card swipe from start to finish. You then pull your selected bike out of the station and you’re good to go.

The bike is a 3-speed cruiser with a basket on the front. There is also a bike lock provided and the seat adjusts pretty easily.

I next started my ride into San Antonio’s King William neighborhood followed by the Mission trail to my final destination, Mission San Jose. The ride was about 6 miles on street and a greenway along the San Antonio river. The map below shows my approximate ride.

View Leo’s San Antonion B-cycle ride in a larger map

B-Cycling Away

At this point, if you have ridden a bicycle before, it was pretty much the same thing.

Along my ride, I spotted many of the other B-cycle stations. The route I chose was mainly on side streets and mostly had bike lanes so riding was easy. San Antonio is also pretty flat so I wasn’t struggling up any hills which I sometimes encounter here in Raleigh.

(For the record, I’m in decent bike shape but not an all-star by any means)

I felt that the cycling experience was now in the hands of the city. The route I chose went through a few parks and I stopped twice to get water from public water fountains. The presence of bike lanes was very welcomed and I felt comfortable on the streets. This could have been different on someone else’s route however.

Returning the bike

I finally made it to Mission San Jose and the visitor center had a station right in front. Returning the bike is dead simple. You find an empty slot and glide the bike right into it. The station beeps and turns green when the bike has been set in properly.

That’s it.

One thing I had to look up out of curiosity would be what to do if the station was full and there were no empty slots to return the bike. B-cycle’s official answer to this is:

If you have a bike checked out and wish to return it, but there are no available docks at a station, you can use a web browser (www.sanantonio.bcycle.com) or iPhone app to locate available bikes at nearby stations. Also, if you approach the kiosk at a full station, the kiosk will provide information about nearby stations with available docks, and you can also get 15 free minutes added to your ride so you can take the bike to an open station without incurring additional usage fees.

There is a system map located at each station.

They don’t mention it in this FAQ excerpt but there is an Android app as well which is what I used to find nearby stations.

Final Thoughts

As mentioned earlier, I encourage everyone to jump to the Urban Design Center video about bike share in other cities with some nice discussion following it.

Before this trip, I was on the fence about bike share in Raleigh. I felt that we should continue spending more time and money on bicycle infrastructure with bike share coming later. I am a little more convinced about it though after trying it but still feel that Raleigh needs to plan, retrofit, and build more bicycle friendly streets before stations are put in.

First, it would be advantageous to plan for bike share now. We could identify possible station and hub locations, create design guidelines for sidewalks and streets around them, get neighborhoods thinking about where stations could be placed along their streets, those kinds of things. With these in place, when we’re ready for bike share, we’ll be prepared.

With this kind of preparation done, I also feel that a sizable network should be rolled out instead of a small system just to ‘test the waters.’ The success of the bike share system, in my opinion, is based on how comfortable riders feel their options are in station locations. If the city decides to implement bike share with only 5-10 stations then adoption will be much slower and it hurts any case for expansion.

Seeing several B-cycle stations around San Antonio was comforting and gave me confidence in the system. The same should go for any city that wants to do the same.

San Antonio B Cycle Station

One thing that doesn’t quite make sense to me is the placement of these bike share stations. All of the stations that I’ve seen, across multiple cities, have been on the sidewalk. I feel they should be right on the street, similar to how a bike corral is placed on the street.

Just like the Hargett Street bike corral occupies some space on the street (not the sidewalk) a bike share station should occupy space along a street. Bicycles, after all, are treated like vehicles on the road and should therefore park like them as well.

On a later ride on B-cycle, I was riding down Market Street, looking for the station in front of the convention center. I didn’t see the station because it was partially hidden behind parked cars along the street. Better signage (just like cars get with larger street signs, parking signs, etc.) should be placed for bicycle riders who need to know that a B-cycle station is coming up and whether it is on the approaching left or the right.

Bringing it to Raleigh

I haven’t looked at them all but a few bike share systems that I have seen have been backed by private funds. This helps implementation happen much faster so until a private company around Raleigh is willing to put up funds for this, we’ll have to wait until it’s a sound public investment.

While other programs exist, B-cycle has a ‘Who wants it more?’ page where you can vote to bring B-cycle here. Right now, we’re ranked #67 with 489 votes. Vote here.

Don’t put too much stock into that though as Charlotte, who has a B-cycle system, ranks #67 (464 votes) while Asheville ranks #7 (31,344 votes) and does not.

Just keep pedaling, Raleigh.

Union Station Public Workshop Round 3 on June 26

Raleigh Union Station

The design phases of the Raleigh Union Station project continue on and there has been no shortage of opportunities for citizens to provide feedback to the design team. On June 26, there will be another opportunity to see the latest sketches and concepts of Raleigh’s newest train station. The design team at Clearscapes is due to deliver a 25% concept in July 2013.

For those that need to catch up, my last Union Station post covered some of the content shown at the May workshop.

Raleigh Union Station Public Workshop

Date/Time: Wed., June 26 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Contemporary Art Museum
409 West Martin Street
Raleigh, NC 27603

Some recent twists to the project have been news about loss of funding. Here are relevant N&O articles.

  • Raleigh train hub loses $15.1M to Charlotte rail line
  • Tata says NCDOT is committed to Union Station project

In my opinion, this could be just a hiccup in the project as is most likely common in something involving so many different parties. We’ll hold speculation for later.

Urban Design Center Survey For Next Downtown Raleigh Plan

I shared this on Twitter recently but wanted to drop it here since the deadline is this weekend. Raleigh’s Urban Design Center (UDC) is conducting a survey. The Downtown Perception survey asks you point blank what do you like about downtown Raleigh and what are ways to improve it. Click the link below to share your thoughts with the city.

2013 Downtown Perception Survey DRA/UDC

The UDC in collaboration with the Downtown Raleigh Alliance (DRA) will use the results towards the newest downtown Raleigh plan that should be taking place later this year.

Oh and I guess I can’t forget to mention that respondents who provide their email could also win a $200 downtown gift card. Get your answers in by June 16.

The L Shows Off Updated Renderings

June 2013 rendering of The L.

There’s lots of momentum behind one of downtown Raleigh’s longest stalled projects and The L may finally break ground.

Above is the latest rendering of The L, not the final but pretty close, and it shows how it will wrap the Wake County parking deck at the corner of Davie and Cabarrus Streets. This mixed-use project will consist of 93 studio, 1, and 2 bedroom apartments and 8,000 square feet of office space above 10,000 square feet of ground floor retail.

Ground breaking is planned for this Fall with a project completion around Fall 2014.

Raleigh Industrial Bank Renovation On Salisbury Street

If you haven’t been following along in the news and other blogs, there’s a fantastic building renovation, more like restoration, going on at the intersection of Salisbury and Hargett Streets. The modern facade that glossed over 200 South Salisbury Street is coming down and look what was underneath all this time.

I didn’t have a photo of my own but here’s the Google Streetview image dated April 2012 followed by my own similar view taken in May 2013.

Google Maps

200 South Salisbury Street, May 2013

In addition to the corner building there is another smaller one on West Hargett that has been restored, shown in this photo.

Building on West Hargett Street, May 2013

What once was a small office building will now have ground floor restaurant space with renovated office space above. Cheers to developer James Goodnight and his team for making this happen in downtown Raleigh.