If you can’t see the embedded video, click here. I’m catching up on my city council updates.
During the November 21, 2017 meeting, the city’s Transportation Planning Manager, Eric Lamb, gave us an update on the planned Raleigh Bikeshare and asked the council to approve moving forward with signing a contract with the preferred vendor, Bewegen.
They want to launch the new bike system in May 2018. (which is also bike month)
It looks like a station or two have changed since the last draft including a new station at the Farmer’s Market.
There are still 300 bikes with 30 stations planned. 150 of those bikes will be electric-assist bicycles.
The planned fares are as follows:
- Annual Membership: $80
- Annual Student Membership: $50
- Monthly: $30
- Monthly (low income): $5
- Daily: $8
- Single Trip: $3
All means of making the system equitable have been taken. For example, it will be possible to use cash and the electric-assist bikes should make it easier for those with less physical abilities.
I like the feature where virtual stations can be created where the bike’s GPS is utilized so users can drop off and check out bikes say at the Fairgrounds.
With that, the council approved the motion and things will be moving forward with the system.