Here’s the view of Charter Square from East Lenoir Street. The glass going up has a nice blue and green, kind of aqua-marine hue to it. The building should be done by this summer.
Category / New Construction
Skyhouse Raleigh One Year Later
The Skyhouse Raleigh apartment building that broke ground about a year ago is set to open in March of 2015. I remember taking a photo of the crane one year ago so am revisiting the site today. Weather was similar too.
Skyhouse Raleigh, photo taken in December 2013
Skyhouse Raleigh, photo taken in December 2014
Pic of the Week
Wood framing is being put up for the townhomes called The Ten. Located at the corner of Person and Lenoir Streets, they are building 10 units here.
Flurry of Activity on East Peace Street
Corner of Peace and Person Streets
I recently took a walk around East Peace Street and there is just so much happening here these days. On this particular weekday morning, the sounds of construction dominate. The hum of machinery, the beeping of vehicles, the hammering of nails are just some of the things you hear if you wander around Peace, Person or Wilmington Street.
These two blocks are just mushrooming with new developments. It’s not surprising that the new construction is predominantly residential as that is the current trend.
Townhomes at Blount Street Commons
Built up now are some new townhomes and carriage homes at Blount Street Commons. A lot of land has been cleared along Person Street for even more of these.
Holy Trinity Church on Peace Street
You can now get a sense of the space that the Holy Trinity Church on Peace Street will take as the building shell is pretty much wrapped up.
Peace Street Townes
More townhomes at Peace Street Townes are moving along nicely with the entire site out of the ground now. A lot of brickwork has taken place and the first units are close to being ready.
Elan City Center apartments
The largest presence here is the Elan City Center project, a five-story apartment building with about 213 units. There isn’t any ground-floor retail here but with Seaboard Station just across the street and the non-active government district nearby there may not be a big reason for it.
I’ll be interested to see more about Elan City Center as the project kind of just popped up and I’m not sure what kind of local presence there is here. There are no plans for this on the city’s website and their website showcases it as a ‘North Carolina project’ rather than a ‘Raleigh project,’ mistakenly using Charlotte’s skyline on their website.
In a hot rental market, complacency in management is common, as I’ve heard is the case in some of the newer buildings in or near downtown. Hopefully that’s just a few isolated incidents.
Glenwood South Construction Photos, November 2014
This week I went on a walk up and down Glenwood South and took some photos of random projects in the area. I just wanted to share some of them for those that haven’t been in that area recently.
Corner of West and Jones Street. The Link Apartment projects will be going here.
Carolina Ale House sign is up at the corner of Glenwood Avenue and Tucker Street. The building will house another restaurant in addition to the Ale House, which is planned to open before the end of year.
Work continues on the Raleigh Beer Garden.
606 Glenwood is under heavy renovation.
The Four Sides to The Lincoln
The Lincoln Apartments, corner of East and Martin Streets
Here’s a construction update on The Lincoln, an apartment building being built to the east of Moore Square. Some parts of the project have topped out, giving you a sense of how big it will be. The Martin Street half is busy finishing the parking deck and the units surrounding it will follow.
Enjoy the photos taken from each corner. A sign on the site says The Lincoln will be completed in Late Spring 2015.
The Lincoln Apartments, corner of Bloodworth and Martin Streets
The Lincoln Apartments, corner of Bloodworth and Hargett Streets
The Lincoln Apartments, corner of East and Hargett Streets
More to Charter Square Than Just a Tower
Click for larger
Here’s a nice Fall photo of the Charter Square construction site on the south end of Fayetteville Street. The southern tower has topped out and siding is starting to rise up along each side. You can also see the space for the future northern tower to the right in the foreground.
What I kind of wondered about was the low-rise section being built along Wilmington Street. In the past, I had actually assumed that the building footprint was to go from the Fayetteville Street sidewalk to the Wilmington Street sidewalk but that’s not the case here. I’ll admit to overlooking this when presented with the one rendering back in 2013.
Digging out the site plan from the city’s website we have this screenshot below.
Click for larger
This site plan shows that there will be a one-story building along Wilmington Street with about 9,000 square feet of retail space. Between it and the southern tower of Charter Square would be open space. The text on the site plan calls it “Flat roof (possible future plaza)” Indeed when looking at what is being built now, a roof seems to be going in.
To the immediate north of the tower and retail spaces is a pedestrian plaza cutting the block in half. The northern tower, which is still in the planning phases as of today, would complete Charter Square.
The plaza adds some nice complexity to this block as it aligns with the existing Fayetteville Street crosswalk and the pedestrian entrance to the Marriott hotel. The site plan also shows retail/restaurant space on the northwest corner but mostly facing the plaza. I wonder if this is the space where Eschelon Experiences’ new restaurant may go?
The building should be done by Summer 2015.
Pic of the Week
Kind of following up on a recent post about the upcoming apartment project, called The Gramercy, here is a photo of the corner of Glenwood Avenue and North Street. The site has been cleared of the former buildings and is ready to start construction.