A Walk Around Smokey Hollow

Corner of West and Peace. June 2018.

Corner of West and Peace. June 2018.

With two cranes now operating over the Smokey Hollow site, I thought it would be a great time to walk around and check things out on a nice June evening. Nearby, the new Capital Boulevard bridge is also being worked on and it seems like all of these things are part of a wave that wants to open around the same time.

First, we need to review the new street configuration coming to this area. Parts of Harrington Street have been removed while Johnson Street will become reconnected. See the before and after maps below.

Map of Smokey Hollow area before 2018.

Map of Smokey Hollow area before 2018.

Map of Smokey Hollow area after 2018.

Map of Smokey Hollow area after 2018. (square loop not included)

The “Harrington Curve” is now gone and instead extends the street to Peace. At the intersection of Johnson and Harrington, you can see the future extension as the buildings have been cleared. Here’s where the walk starts staring to the north.

Intersection of Harrington and Johnson. June 2018.

Intersection of Harrington and Johnson. June 2018.

Getting to West from this point is basically a pedestrian/bike only alley as the new Johnson Street connection isn’t in place yet.

Along West Street heading north to Peace, we can start to see the buildings of Peace at West starting to come up. What was once an area of suburban-style, one-story buildings will now have 12-story towers along new urban sidewalk. The change will be quite dramatic and there’s plenty of space for more.

West Street near Johnson Street. June 2018.

West Street near Johnson Street. June 2018.

The building is just starting to rise up so you still have to use a little imagination to get a sense of what the intersection of Peace and West will look like in the future. Soon, Peace Street will start to resemble its future self as more lanes open up as part of the bridge construction.

Enjoy that view looking southeast while you can cause this building will go up fast!

West Street at Peace. June 2018.

West Street at Peace. June 2018.

There are temporary lights at the future new intersection of Harrington and Peace where you can look towards the south at the beginning of this walk. No doubt, Peace at West will hug some prominent streets, basically all the ones we’ve discussed.

Peace at the future intersection with Harrington. June 2018.

Peace at the future intersection with Harrington. June 2018.

New Capital Boulevard bridge over Peace. June 2018.

New Capital Boulevard bridge over Peace. June 2018.

Getting back to our starting point takes us south straight down the future Harrington Street to its intersection with Johnson. The Rollins Cleaners and other older buildings are still up on the eastern side but that may not be a surprise as demolishing a dry cleaner typically involves extensive environmental cleanup efforts that take years. I wouldn’t be surprised if that is the case at this site.

Buildings along Peace Street. June 2018.

Buildings along Peace Street. June 2018.

Future Harrington Street. June 2018.

Future Harrington Street. June 2018.

We’ll check back in later for sure!

Join the conversation on this project over at the DTRaleigh Community.

Quick Check-in on The Metropolitan

The Metropolitan Apartments. June 2018

The Metropolitan Apartments. June 2018

Just a quick one today. The Metropolitan apartments are starting to really take shape and are well past the point when they burned down in March 2017. It’s great to see the recovery and get these units online as it’ll make this area of West Street a very dense residential corridor.

Continue the conversation about this project on the DTRaleigh Community.

Pic of the Week

Revisn hotel under construction. June 2018.

What we’ve been calling Boylan Flats turns out to be an extended-stay hotel on Boylan Avenue and they appear to be getting close to looking like they will open. Called Revisn, the hotel offers fully furnished residential units for stays longer than 30 days.

I’m not sure Revisn helps with the hotel room needs directly but it’s certainly interesting that we may have a market for long-term stays in Raleigh. 30 days in a traditional hotel room gets old fast, I’m sure.

Plans Submitted for Ten-Story Building on 600 Block of Hillsborough Street

Corner of Hillsborough and Boylan. June 2018.

Corner of Hillsborough and Boylan. June 2018.

The southern end of Glenwood Avenue is mushrooming with new growth. In addition to One Glenwood and Two Glenwood, which we’ve discussed in the past, site plans were submitted to the city for Two Hillsborough, a 10-story tower for the same block as One Glenwood.

The plans indicate that the new development would replace the current buildings on the block. If I recall correctly this includes the two-story buildings along Hillsborough containing Stop Hunger Now and Audio Exchange, the one-story office building along Boylan and Morgan (not sure who’s in there) and the renovated former Esso station with the bar, Dram and Draught.

Some maps.

Two Glenwood map from the site plan

Click for larger

Two Glenwood map from the site plan

Click for larger

The mixed-use project is described as:

Development of 10 story, 275,000 sf mixed use building and two 1 story (4,850 sf total) retail buildings on 4 existing lots to be combined into one lot.

The site plans suggest that Two Hillsborough will be an office tower with ground-floor retail. One Glenwood, already under construction, plus Two Hillsborough will also have a courtyard in between the buildings with these additional retail stand-alone buildings. Gensler is the architect on this plan and it looks like they may be proposing a shipping container reuse for these one-story retail buildings.

Two Glenwood site plan

Click for larger

Parking will be off-site, most likely in the deck already under construction across the street.

The site is zoned for 12 stories so the pair of towers, One Glenwood and Two Hillsborough, seem like a perfect way to maximize that area. I’m happy to see another infusion of office space at the southern end of Glenwood South.

I will have to visit the old Esso station on the corner a bit more before it’s possibly demolished. That building does ooze with Raleigh character and I hope Dram and Draught, if they have to move, can find a solid new home. With good architects, I think, and a much higher density plan in a transit-friendly area I can only be excited for the things happening on the 600 block of Hillsborough Street.

Discuss Two Hillsborough on the DTRaleigh Community.

Trophy Brewing Expansion on Morgan Street

Trophy Brewing on Morgan Street. June 2018.

Trophy Brewing on Morgan Street. June 2018.

Trophy Brewing is expanding. The brewery that started in a small retail building along Morgan Street has taken over the entire building now and site plans were submitted for a small expansion. The plans suggest that more of the angled parking in front will be used for outdoor space and some for a small building expansion.

The site plans show a small addition on the eastern side of the building facing the street as you can see in the screenshot below. For reference, I’ve added an overlay of the “Morgan Monsters” mural which I hope you’ve seen by now. (cause it’s great!)

Site plan map for Trophy Brewing.

Click for larger.

Site plan map for Trophy Brewing.

Click for larger.

The new space should be finished by next Summer.

Not much else to report on this. It is great to see a downtown brewery expand due to, I’m assuming, continued success. Some of Trophy’s beers are at the top of this blogger’s favorites for sure. Go Raleigh beer!

Options on the Table For New City Hall Tower

Raleigh Municipal Building. June 2018.

Raleigh Municipal Building. June 2018.

During a March 27, 2018 meeting of the Economic Development and Innovation (EDI) Committee, there were some good details discussed over the future Civic Campus Master Plan. I wanted to bring out some details from the meeting minutes here today.

You can watch the video of the meeting on YouTube here or embedded below.

To quickly recap, the city is currently working on a master plan to possibly redevelop city hall as well as offload various city-owned property in and around downtown Raleigh. The point would be to consolidate the downtown workforce as well as expand for projected growth. The epicenter of the project would be on the block consisting of the Raleigh Municipal Building (RMB) and former police headquarters. (Basically the Avery C. Upchurch Municipal block)

You can dive straight into the minutes here. Some additional relevant reading:

First, let’s take a look at the municipal block today. There are three main structures:

  1. Fomer Raleigh Police Headquarters, currently empty
  2. Raleigh Municpal Building with offices and City Council Chambers
  3. A parking deck

With the city owning the entire block, it’s basically agreed that the new campus will consist of new development there.

The civic campus is assumed to include the following departments:

  • Services in the newly-formed Departments of Transportation and Engineering Services
  • Development-related functions, including the Departments of City Planning, Development Services, and the Office of Economic Development
  • Housing and Neighborhoods and some staff from Public Utilities Department
  • Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources administration
  • Public Affairs
  • Internal service functions, including Information Technology, Human Resources, Finance, and Budget and Management Services
  • Management departments including the City Manager’s Office, City Attorney, and City Clerk

With internal conversations and surveys, the consultants found that a conservative 1.5% city staff growth rate would be appropriate to ensure that any new buildings would be useful for 30 to 50 years after being built.

But before we get into what can be built, the “do nothing” scenario was considered. The cost to maintain current buildings and continue to lease space as growth is needed over the next 30 years will cost around $200 million dollars. $80 million would go towards maintenance of current facilities with an estimated $120-160 million going towards leasing space.

The Build Scenarios

Buiding a new tower presents a few options that allow the city to be more flexible in the future.

With the RMB offering some flexibility, it would be possible to extend the life of that building while still putting downtown workers into a new one. There are three scenarios on the table. (emphasis is mine)

Option #1: 20 stories (above capacity)

  • 420,000 s.f.
  • Capacity*(at 300 gsf/person): 1,400 ppl
  • Full capacity by 2037 (14 years) at 1.5% growth rate
  • Full capacity by 2032 at (9 years) at 2.0% growth rate
  • Estimated cost: ~$190 million
  • Effective rent over 30 years: $15.08/sf
  • RMB can be vacated

Option #2: 17 stories +/- (at capacity)

  • 360,000 s.f.
  • Capacity* (at 300 gsf/person): 1,200 ppl
  • Full capacity by 2027 (4 years) at 1.5% growth rate
  • Full capacity by 2024 (1 year) at 2.0% growth rate
  • Estimated cost: ~$165 million
  • Effective rent over 30 years: $15.27/sf
  • RMB can be vacated

Option #3: 14 stories +/- (below capacity)

  • 300,000 s.f.
  • Capacity* (at 300 gsf/person): 1,000 ppl
  • 40,000 s.f. deficit at move-in with 1.5% growth rate
  • 50,000 s.f. deficit at move-in with 2.0% growth rate
  • Estimated Cost: ~$140 million
  • Effective rent over 30 years: $15.55/sf
  • *Capacity does not include Phase II (RMB or new facility).

Options 1 and 2 allow the RMB to be vacated and therefore, avoid maintenance and upfit costs. If option 3 is pursued, then outside space will still be needed whether it is within the RMB or elsewhere. RMB then presents a $40M renovation cost.

That’s as far into the details as I’d like to get into it, please take a look at the minutes and watch the video if you want more. I’m sure this will be an ongoing discussion within the EDI committee.

It’ll be interesting to see where they go with these options but either way, the options to build a new consolidated tower sound like a cost-effective option compared to leasing space across downtown Raleigh.

Join the discussion about the Civic Campus Master Plan on our DTRaleigh Community.

Pic of the Week

The Rogers House in its new home at the corner of Bloodworth and Cabarrus Streets.

The Rogers House has landed at its new home at the corner of Bloodworth and Cabarrus. It’s one of the two homes that were saved from West Street where The Fairweather, a 45-unit condo building, is planned to go. The second house, larger home, the neighbor to The Rogers House, could not be saved.

I’ll have to visit the West Street site next as crews start to work on The Fairweather. Meanwhile, the new foundation for the historic Fourth Ward house is already being put together as the renovation work is underway. It’s a good fit for the Prince Hall Historic District.

Join the discussion about this historic home and the Prince Hall Historic District on the Community.