Coming soon: Manhattan Cafe and more sidewalks on this block of Wilmington St. I’ve always thought that one way traffic and construction is holding this street back. This block will have to deal with The Edison construction soon but overall, Wilmington St. seems to be getting a facelift.
Category / Pic of the Week
Pic of the Week
The newer sections of Blount Street Commons are starting to rise out of the ground.
Pic of the Week [UPDATE: 8:00pm]
Part 1 of 3; the shimmer wall during the day.
[UPDATE: 8:00pm]
Part 2 of 3; the shimmer wall turned off at night.
[UPDATE: 12:30AM]
Part 3 of 3; the shimmer wall turned on at night.
Pic(s) of the Week
Now that the parking deck is finished, with hopefully new retail to follow very soon, how long until the ‘ole girls’ meet their fate?
Pic of the Week
Renovation on Wilmington St.
Pic of the Week
These are not exactly downtown Raleigh related but since I’ve got nothing new and need a few days to get back into the swing of things, I thought I would share this from my weekend. Both of the main stages had a large LCD screen above them that scrolled text messages that you could send in. While trying to shamelessly plug (yes, I know, unsubscribe now) and grab a picture of it above the stage I actually ended up catching other Raleigh related shout outs.
Which actually leads to an interesting question; do you tell people you are from Raleigh or Raleigh NC?
Pic of the Week
The Wachovia Capital Center and its new sign. A second one will be up shortly.
Pic of the Week
Solas adding some light to Glenwood South