Recent photo
Photo from a Blount Street Commons post on Februrary 11th, 2009.
Not much being done. There were signs that say two units were sold, however.
Recent photo
Photo from a Blount Street Commons post on Februrary 11th, 2009.
Not much being done. There were signs that say two units were sold, however.
In these troubled economic times, Wake County commissioners voted unanimously on Monday to move ahead with the Wake County Justice Center, an 11-story building slated to go up on land bordering Martin, McDowell and Salisbury streets.
via Wake to proceed on Justice Center – Wake County – News & Observer.
I was planning to go out after work on Monday to get some pictures but the rain ruined my plans. Here is a short list of projects moving along around downtown.
If you see any other activity while you are walking around, please, report in.
The N.C. State Bar is poised to build a four-story, $14 million headquarters in downtown Raleigh.
The state agency, which regulates the legal profession, has secured a site at the corner of Blount and Edenton streets for a new 60,000-square-foot building that it expects to begin constructing next year. Target date for occupying the building is the first half of 2012, said Tom Lunsford, executive director.
via .biz – State Bar plans new headquarters | blogs.
Rendering of the Nature Research Center being built at the corner of Salisbury and Jones as part of the Green Square project. Go to this website [Update: Broken link] for more renderings and a live webcam of the construction site.
Also, the Raleigh City Council just approved a site plan for a 12-story building for the the State Employees Credit Union that will sit on this same site. This is most likely the tower that you can see in the rendering.
The Collectors Gallery, one of downtown Raleigh’s oldest art galleries, will move from City Market to the more central location in time for the Raleigh Wide Open Festival on Oct. 23.
via Raleigh art gallery moving to City Plaza – Arts & Living – News & Observer.
City Manager Russell Allen will ask the City Council today to allocate $59,760 to design a 4,978-seat venue to host summer concerts under the Shimmer Wall. The venue, to be built on the site of the old Sir Walter Chevrolet dealership at McDowell and Lenoir streets, would cost about $1.5 million and could open as early as May of next year.
via Raleigh vote on concert venue set – Local & State – News & Observer.
Corner of Jones and West Street
When you talk about nightlife in downtown, the conversation must include the five or so blocks of Glenwood Avenue that make up Glenwood South. The mistress of downtown really gets lively on the weekends and if anyone has walked down her sidewalks on a nice Saturday night, then you know what I mean by lively. To me, there is a lot of energy in the air when the streets are crowded with cars and people are walking around, enjoying themselves in this entertainment district. Fayetteville Street is real nice and I have fun in that area but the crowds and traffic really do hover around Glenwood; you can’t deny it! With all this traffic, car and foot, it is good that hotel developments are in the works. The convention center helps drive this as I’ve seen many times convention goers riding the R-Line through Glenwood South. A hotel that is right in the middle of so much activity would be very appealing to those visiting the city.
Recently, there have been reports that two hotels are to be built in Glenwood South but no real work has begun yet. We await the start of the 10-story Powerhouse Plaza located on Jones and West Streets. Right now, the lot has been cleared and a sign has been placed out front letting people know what the future will be. The rendering looks promising and plans for ground floor retail are included. This would be a great addition to an already busy pedestrian intersection at Jones and West.
A Hampton Inn hotel is said to be in the works at the corner of Glenwood and Johnson Street. The initial reaction of the online peanut gallery has not been favorable to ‘just a Hampton Inn’. I believe we should wait and see what is proposed rather then speculate off very little information. It’ll be interesting to see what happens to the rest of the houses on the 600 block of Glenwood as the area becomes more popular and more traffic moves down it over the years.
Source – News & Observer, Glenwood South Hotel Proposed
Corner of Glenwood and Johnson Street