The Solas outdoor patio.
Category / Pic of the Week
Pic of the Week
Tracks leading in and out of downtown. Hopefully soon, they will not be so quiet.
Pic of the Week
RBC reflection
Pic of the Week
The Raleigh water tower was built in 1887. It now houses the N.C. Chapter of the American Institute of Architects.
Pic of the Week
This is the dinosaur skeleton inside the North Carolina Natural Science Museum.
Pic of the Week
Wide view of The Hue construction.
Pic of the Week
Raleigh Police, Mounted Patrol
Pic of the Week [UPDATE: 11:45 PM]
Is arrow?….a white tree?….or does it open at night to let the aliens fly in? You decide.
[UPDATE: 11:45 PM]
So I post this article and then check up on my blog reader to catch up on things. Turns out Goodnight, Raleigh has the same picture (at night of course) so this must be a hot topic. Make sure and jump over to John’s photo blog (phlog?) to see this and more excellent pics at night. Is the domain available?