Council amends project agreement – Business – News & Observer

The vote eliminates from the agreement a requirement that the developer begin construction 10 months after completing a 550-space parking deck under the site.

The parking deck is expected to be finished by the end of the month, but the developers have thus far been unable to get financing for two towers that are to be built on top of the 1.75-acre site.

via Council amends project agreement – Business – News & Observer.

City Plaza to crown downtown – Local & State – News & Observer

City officials are also trying to figure out what to do in the near-term with the slab of concrete directly south of the Bank of America building. That is the future site of Charter Square, a two-tower project that has been delayed by the credit crunch…………..

Diaz wants to turn a portion of the Charter Square site into an ice rink for two months this winter. He’s hoping to find corporate sponsorship to cover two-thirds of the cost, a tough task in this economic climate.

via City Plaza to crown downtown – Local & State – News & Observer.

Pic of the Week

Assembly of the four City Plaza light towers is underway. From the city’s press release:

The 50-foot light towers are the centerpiece art work for City Plaza, that also serve a practical application. Created by renowned Greensboro artist Jim Gallucci, the light towers will allow for varying levels of lights for a myriad of uses in the City’s celebration plaza.

The tower design integrates LED lights, stainless steel oak leaves and a hidden area at the base of the towers that contain electrical panels to be used for various plaza events. The towers also offer a granite bumper seat to accommodate visitors to the plaza in need of a break.