Mapping the New Bern TOD, NCODs, and HODs, Oh my!

I’m getting so bad at blog post titles these days. I really do apologize for that one.

What I am getting better at is working with maps and data. It’s still a work in-progress but I wanted to put out this map, shown above, related to the currently proposed New Bern Station Area Plan. You can jump into this topic over at the city’s website as well as this post from Jan 2023.

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Pic of the Week

If you’ve driven, or walked uncomfortably like I did for this photo, down MLK Boulevard around the intersection with Wilmington and Salisbury Streets, you should have spotted this big wooden box looming over the road. Mira Raleigh apartments look to be topping out prominently over the wide avenue and it sure makes an impression.

This could be the first of a few new developments up on that hill as Kindley Street is seeing new development plans work their way through the planning process. Neighbors, as well as nearby Shaw Students, have been crossing MLK for years so I’m sure they can tell you that pedestrian upgrades to the intersection are overdue.

Pic of the Week

Freedom Park, located at the corner of Lane and Wilmington Streets, looks to be in the final stages. I’m impressed so far with what you can see and have to admit that the renderings didn’t do it justice. This space not only looks good but should be moving to visitors who want to honor the struggle for freedom experienced by African Americans in North Carolina.

I think this post seems appropriate as the 2023 Juneteeth holiday approaches. The park plans to finish this year and I imagine there will be a ceremony to officially open it to the public.

A Walk Around Shaw University

There’s a big rezoning case that’s now being discussed at council. Basically, a majority of Shaw University’s campus is up for an increase in height, if approved. There has been a lot of public comment on this one, from residents and alumni, with concerns. In short, the university is sitting on very valuable land and with the ability to build taller, they can explore options to expand or even partner with developers to lease land for new development.

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