WakeGOV.com – NEWS: Wake to Hold Justice Center Groundbreaking

We are very excited to begin construction on the Justice Center,” said Wake County Board of Commissioners Chair Tony Gurley. “We have planned the facility very carefully and strategically for many years, and we are fortunate to be breaking ground at a time when we can build a large facility, like this one, for $22 million under the original estimate.

Saving money because of the down economy. Not a bad idea. Groundbreaking is on Monday, May 10th.
via WakeGOV.com – NEWS: Wake to Hold Justice Center Groundbreaking.

Lightner impasse may get a nudge – Wake County – NewsObserver.com

Building this thing and hoping that the economy turns around for additional sales tax revenue doesn’t sound like a great idea. The additional tax would be dropped however.

Outside consultants – architects, public safety experts or others – could help sort through the divide on the deadlocked, eight-member council and help bring forward some type of consensus, Raleigh Mayor Charles Meeker said.

via Lightner impasse may get a nudge – Wake County – NewsObserver.com. [update: broken link]