Capital Boulevard bridge over Peace Street
Just a quick one today. At yesterday’s Raleigh City Council meeting, approval was given for the NCDOT recommended P5 alternative, also known as “the square loop.” We’ve gone over this plan for that area before so I’ll recommend you jump to a November 2013 post.
I feel the P5 alternative slows traffic down and starts to transition the area towards one with better urban form. I’m a huge fan of a grid-like street network and this alternative creates that in the new connection at Johnson Street and the Harrington Street extension. If we can add in on-street parking along these areas, interest in new development could increase. It can’t get any lower as the area only consists of sprawl-like, one-story buildings with surface parking.
*New Capital Boulevard Designs Out, Status Quo versus New Connections
Up next is the environmental study which is planned to be complete by this Fall. Construction is planned to start in the Summer of 2015.
You can dive into the official project page at the NCDOT: Peace St./Wade Ave. Bridge Replacements on Capital Blvd. page.
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- New Capital Boulevard Designs Out, Status Quo versus New Connections | November 10, 2021
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ahhh, wonderful news! Although it will be sad to see Finch’s have to go, they never really did anything spectacular with the space that made it anything worth missing (when’s the last time anyone saw the parking lot out front packed?) – A great first step in urbanifying (it’s a word) the Capital Blvd entrance to the city.
Glad that this was approved. We will soon see the area between West and Capital fill in creating a bigger demand for a greenspace/riverwalk at Devereaux Meadows.
This was the best that the neighborhood could hope for given the alternative. I look forward to an more cohesive area in years to come.
“when’s the last time anyone saw the parking lot out front packed?” — Jake
Uh.. go there any morning for breakfast and it is.
^DPK – uhhhhhh.. guess I only ever pass Finch’s during the other 20hrs in a day. TEAR IT DOWN.
Well aren’t you a special snowflake. Just because you don’t enjoy something doesn’t mean others don’t either.
^ok you’re totally right, we should cancel this square loop project and not redo the bridge so that Finch’s can stay. My B.
Yeah. Never said I didn’t enjoy it. Just not too upset that we’ll be losing it in order for this AWESOME project to move forward. Lost the tude, BRO.
That is where they filmed one of shots for the movie “Bad Grandpa”… We can’t touch Finch’s now… :LOL:
^Ernest: haha I know! Such a quick scene too, I wish they would’ve used more of the Raleigh shots in the finished film. How cool was the scene when they were driving up on the PNC building though??
….or the scene where the kid is pushing Grandpa in a grocery cart next to the Capitol Building? That even made the trailer (no pun intended).
@Jake calm down man, we’re all entitled to our own opinions. Despite whatever that last sentence of yours means.
“Bad Grandpa” wasn’t as hilarious as the Jackass series – I understand that for some the latter may not be funny – but watching Raleigh in the movie was really nice. There is another scene, right in front of the Wells Fargo Building, right after the movie finishes (credits).
I, too, wish that the scene in front of Finch’s was a little more than a car rolling down. Probably they shot a few more scenes in places we don’t recognize, but I think that Raleigh is not yet photogenic enough for movies. Historic Oakwood may be a great place for that, but we need more. Who knows, maybe in a few years from now ;)
Sorry for distracting from the main topic.
Maybe Finch’s could move to the older buildings next door that aren’t slated for demolition. I love that place, but the building it currently resides in is kind of an eyesore.
^Squirrelbaby – someone with some sense; I like it. DPK seems to think I have some sort of vendetta against the place. I’ve never even been there! But yeah, it looks run down as haaaaaail. DPK practice what you preach: “we’re all entitled to our own opinions.” Also, I meant LOSE the tude, brother. I’m sorry if you were a big fan of Finch’s but when it’s time to go, it’s time to go. The influence this project will have on the area in years to come FAR outweighs the “historic” status of the place. Sowwy. But I do hope they find a new location! Always hate to see Raleigh staples shutting down for good.
Ernest: I agree it wasn’t NEARLY as great as Jackass 1-3 but YES YES YES I loooooved seeing my city up on the big screen. They used a lot more shots of Charlotte though, which I understand- it IS a beautiful looking city. Maybe the character Raleigh has over Charlotte just doesn’t quite transfer to screen as well as plain ol’ looks. But in the next 10 years I have good feelings we’re going to have that “look” if you know what I’m saying.