DT Raleigh Is Back Up

Recently, the site was infected with some kind of virus. This came to my attention on Friday, May 7th around noon. If you visited the site on that day and encountered some strange behavior in your browser, I recommend you do a system scan. After hearing about the infection, I disabled the site and put up a simple maintenance screen in order to stop the spread.

After some phone calls and WordPress updates over the weekend, I’m confident that the problem has been fixed. Thanks to regular backups, not much content was lost except for last week’s posts and comments. I have recovered the posts but the comments are lost.

I am truly sorry if this has affected anyone. Computer viruses piss me off more then anything and I hate to be the cause if someone was infected visiting the blog. I’m using this post as an apology and to see that new posts continue to work regularly for the RSS subscribers.

Back to regularly scheduled programming……….

Poll: Bike Lanes In Downtown

Our last poll results are in for the two month long poll and the obvious is even more obvious. When asked about the activities that visitors generally do downtown, food and drink tops the list. With few major attractions in downtown, eating and drinking is the main draw. This all revolves around downtown’s growing nightlife crowd. If the residential population was larger then the poll may have had a different outcome. I was actually very surprised that no one voted for the Imax Theater. You do know we have one in downtown, right?

The newest poll comes after a recent (and cold) bike ride in downtown. There have been discussions about incorporating bike lanes with Hillsborough Street’s renovation in the section in front of NC State. This does not involve downtown but how would you feel about an increase of dedicated bike lanes on the streets?

The easiest implementation of them would be to mark the lanes separate from the car lanes next to them. We are a long way away from median separated bike lanes so this change would be a little drastic at first. I can see the argument for bike lanes but have always believed in traffic calming techniques so that cars and bicycles can share the lanes together. Cars are not always to blame when there is a bicycle/car accident and negligent cyclists put themselves at risk when they do not follow the rules of the road.

If you currently ride, what changes would enhance the experience? If don’t ride, what is keeping you from ditching the car and riding the couple miles to downtown?

RalCon Downtime

I’m going to ignore the blog for a week probably because I am in the process of moving out of my apartment and into a house east of downtown. My internet has already been cut and I’ll be traveling for Thanksgiving so I’m not even going to try and put up some good content. Maybe some links to key downtown news if it pops up.

In December, we’ll review 2009 and look ahead towards 2010 with a wish list.

October Poll – Parking Meters In Downtown

The September poll has now come to a close and Tobacco Road Sports Cafe is the clear favorite amongst readers. Thank you for voting and make sure to go to your favorite place this Friday for the Carolina Hurricanes’ season opening game.

October begins today so a new poll is up for readers to weigh in on. Parking meters will soon be installed throughout some downtown streets. I’m curious to hear your opinions on how it may or may not change the way you visit downtown. The soon to come media frenzy on this topic is introduced with this article from the N&O. According to the article, parking fees will begin to be enforced in December.

This topic was discussed back in January of this year and now that the meters are just around the corner, I will bring up more discussions on this throughout the next two months. Some ideas I’m thinking about:

  • Downtown Raleigh’s overbuilt and inefficient use of its parking decks.
  • Charging for prime parking spots on the street encourages turnover and increases business.
  • Parking meter revenue should go directly into paying back the system and maintaining/improving downtown sidewalks, not downtown roads.

Raleigh’s First Law School Opens Up

Campbell Law School started classes yesterday in their new building on Hillsborough Street. The renovations that have been taking place for over a year were mostly on the interior of the building. There is well-placed signage on each side of the building making it hard to miss. This is a unique addition to downtown and we’ll see lots of benefits in having the school located here. Raleigh is now NOT the largest capital city to not have a law school!

The parking lot across the street is now being used and the city definitely did not pretty up this lot. I’m not complaining though, the lot looks very temporary with gravel, wooden barriers, and moveable concrete curbs. Wires were probably not run under the ground too seeing as they are solar powered. If a developer was interested in this lot, the city could clear out on the cheap.