Things have come together and over on the Community, we’re talking t-shirts. We have a slick design from the 919 Collective and I want to thank them for the contribution. Think MLB Raleigh for an already underway initiative to compare these shirts to. More on them in the future.
Deadline for t-shirt orders is this Friday, July 16 at midnight. Want one? Keep reading.
To get a shirt, simply make a donation here and include a comment with what you need. We’re looking for:
- Quantity of shirts if you’re ordering more than one
- Color (Dark grey or Red)
- Size – see details here
- Shipping info if needed. Please add $5 to your donation to cover shipping costs.
I’d prefer to hand over the shirts in person at a meetup if possible to keep this as simple as possible but I’ll make every effort that I can to get you your t-shirt once they are in.
Of course, feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Donations are going towards covering the t-shirt order as well as supporting this site and the Community.
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- None right now. Must be a new project.
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