OK. It doesn’t say that exactly but after seeing the tweet below, I couldn’t help but take a second look at the Downtown Raleigh Alliance 2023 Q1 report and count up those residential numbers.
Indeed, we have quite a number of new homes under construction. In years past, we’ve been excited about new stuff in planning but it’s not like that this go round. These are projects being built right now, some we’ve covered here on the blog, which add up to just over 2,000 homes. These new developments will have residents moving in throughout this year and next. That’ll increase the downtown population at probably the fastest rate ever in the city’s recent history.
You can jump into the report here but below is a snap of the list of projects under construction.

The list adds up to 2032 homes being built right now. It’s actually even a couple hundred homes higher when you consider some of the more recently completed buildings too.
For more on these developments, you can see a big list of them on the DRA’s website. Of course, you can always see updates on a project on this site by tags. Here are some from the above list:
- The Acorn
- Seaboard Station
- 400H
- Park City South
- 320 West South / Capital Square
- The Platform
- 615 Peace
- Dukes at City View
- Mira City Gateway Apartments
This wave of residential reminds me of a 2014 blog post series I did highlighting similar projects. Looking back at it, I counted up around 1400 homes that were under construction or about to start. This just shows you how much available space can still be developed in and around downtown Raleigh.
It’s also interesting to note that if you look at the entire list of planned developments that office space is hard to come by. The future of downtown may become more in balance with a good amount of neighbors and workers keeping the sidewalks active at all times of the day.

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- Stats From The State of Downtown Raleigh 2017, Developments | June 7, 2017
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