1. When are they going to start the second building? Nice architecture, but two identical buildings at the same height, STUPID! Can someone tell this group, before they break ground, build the second building 15 stories (Mix It Up A Bit)

  2. Well, I don’t mind that the second building will be the same height. But I do agree that this development does look kinda funny with only one. The shapes of the buildings are almost like two bookends…needs both to have balance.

    It is kinda neat they’ve got it lit up…I guess they’re trying to get attention for more potential sales.

    On a related topic, across Hargett from Bloomsbury, next to Cityscape Apartments, is a really old house that looks like it was just painted some bright colors and is getting some renovation. Anyone know the story behind it? Very interesting to look at every time I pass by.

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