Downtown #Raleigh color-coded parking palette announced
— City of Raleigh (@RaleighGov) September 11, 2014
Parking is one of those services where having no complaints are a good thing and no real praise happens. I’m not sure enough people rave about how great a parking experience at a place is. So in hopes of less complaints, the city is color coding the downtown decks.
How will they do this? By placing colored signs at the entrances of course. The tweet above shows the signs that will go out. Our parking administrator sums it up:
“We hope the new signs make it easier for Downtown visitors to find their way back to their vehicles,” said Gordon Dash, City of Raleigh parking administrator. “Some visitors have experienced an hour or longer delay before they could find their vehicle, because they didn’t remember the name of the parking deck in which they parked. Color-coding also will make it easier for City of Raleigh Police and the Downtown Raleigh Ambassadors provided by the Downtown Raleigh Alliance to help visitors find their vehicles.”
It seems we’ve done such a good job at making the decks hidden with facades that look like buildings that enough people are forgetting where they park.
You could look at this two ways. It’s simply a “problem we want to have” or parking management needs to be rethought.
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Great! Now how about some wayfinder signs which match in color and lead to the entrances? I always forget which street has the “Platform 9 3/4” entrance to which decks :)