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Looking at 301 Hillsborough Street from across Dawson Street.
Recently submitted site plans for 301 Hillsborough give us some more details as to what might come for the surface parking lots along Hillsborough and Morgan Streets.
SR-93-2016, listed on the city’s development page, shows almost a full-block development consisting of a “mixed use building with approximately 220,007 sf office; 242 residential units; 40,832 sf retail, 176 hotel units, and structured parking (991 spaces)”
Click for larger
Mixed-use indeed.
The site plan shows a floor plan that will encompass practically everything on that block except for the 3-story brick building at the corner of Harrington and Morgan Street. You can kind of see the new building coming up against the old so perhaps it’ll blend right in.
All the existing surface parking will be gone. In addition, the two-story house at the corner of Hillsborough and Harrington will also be removed. That house seems like a perfect candidate for a relocation.
House at 327 Hillsborough being used as offices for a Raleigh law firm
There are a couple things we can see from looking at the site plan. Remember that it is preliminary so things may change but from my assessment Morgan, Hillsborough, and Dawson will change dramatically.
Along Morgan starting from the west:
- Service driveways, garages (trash, service unloading/loading, etc.) are planned approximately across from the ones in The Dawson.
- A parking garage entrance will go along Morgan also.
- In between, there will be retail space.
Along Dawson:
- Retail and lobby space only.
Along Hillsborough starting from the west:
- There will be primarily retail and lobby space for the hotel and residential units.
- A parking garage entrance closer to Dawson.
Overall, the parking garage entrances on Hillsborough and Morgan line up and on the inside of the building, there is a roundabout for hotel parking. You can also access the upper levels of the parking deck from here.
Just a detail, the site plan also shows 30 foot planters along the sidewalks of Hillsborough Street and with numerous bike racks. That’s a nice enhancement to the pedestrian space as well as supporting the dedicated bike lanes along Hillsborough Street.
I’m definitely excited for this one as an infusion of this many different uses is sure to add activity on the streets and sidewalks to all different times of the day and week.
Corner of Morgan and Harrington Streets. Flying Saucer will be getting lots of new neighbors.
Another site plan map. Click for larger.