Raleigh Wide Open 5 Picture Recap

Raleigh Wide Open 5 took place this past Saturday, July 31st, and the free event on Fayetteville Street had shows, live music, and vendors open almost all day. Even with questionable weather, downtown Raleigh was swarming with people. Here are some of my own pictures as well as links to more around the web.

Click on any image for a larger view and gallery.

Crowds pack Fayetteville Street for Raleigh Wide Open in downtown Raleigh on July 31st, 2010.

A parade down Fayetteville Street kicks off Raleigh Wide Open 5.

Contestants shove doughnuts in their mouths during the Krispy Kreme Doughnut eating contest.

A stunt BMX biker flies off a ramp and performs a trick in front of a crowd outside the Raleigh Convention Center.

Crowds moved up to the Alexander Square parking deck to get a better view of the mototrials demo on Fayetteville Street.

A skater performs flat land freestyle tricks on a skateboard in front of a crowd at Raleigh Wide Open 5.

Kids play inside inflatable plastic balls in a pool.

Motorcycle rider Geoff Aaron performs stunts around a course on Fayetteville Street.

More Raleigh Wide Open 5 pictures on the web.